Curriculum, Subject And Program



Sekolah Cipta Cendikia's curriculum provides schooling in accordance with the National Curriculum Framework. The school's teaching and learning programs enable its students, including students with special needs, to achieve the learning outcomes and develop value of the National Curriculum Framework.

Curriculum at SCC using a national standard curriculum (K13) from the Department of Education with enrichment curriculum of SCC.




 Elementary School (Y-1 to Y-6)
 Intracurricular:  Extracurricular:
  1.  Maths
  2.  Bahasa Indonesia
  3.  Science
  4.  Social Studies
  5.  Values
  6.  Religion
  7.  Art and Music
  8.  Physical Studies
  9.  Swimming (once in two weeks)
  10.  Sundanese
  11.  English
  12.  Mandarin
  13.  ICT Information Communication Technology           
  14.  Environmental Studies 
  1.  Iqro and Hafidz Quran (for moslem only)
  2.  Scouting
  3.  Tennis
  4.  Swimming
  5.  Soccer
  6.  Futsal
  7.  Basket Ball
  8.  Chess
  9.  Acting
  10.  Dance (Modern and Traditional)
  11.  Art and Craft
  12.  Cooking


 Junior High School (Y-7 to Y-9)
 Intracurricular:  Extracurricular:
  1.  Maths
  2.  Bahasa Indonesia
  3.  Science
  4.  Social Studies
  5.  Values
  6.  Religion
  7.  Art and Music
  8.  Physical Studies
  9.  Swimming (once a week)
  10.  English
  11.  Mandarin
  12.  ICT Information Communication Technology          
  13.  Environmental Studies 
  1.  Iqro and Hafidz Quran (for moslem only)
  2.  Scouting
  3.  Fencing
  4.  Swimming
  5.  Tennis
  6.  Soccer
  7.  Futsal
  8.  Basket Ball
  9.  Chess
  10.  Music (Modern and Traditional)
  11.  Art and Craft
  12.  Cooking
  13.  Petanque
  14.  Martial Arts


 Senior High School (Y-10 to Y-12) - Science Major
 Intracurricular:  Extracurricular:
  1.  Maths
  2.  Scientific Math
  3.  Bahasa Indonesia
  4.  Science: Physics
  5.  Science: Biology
  6.  Science: Chemistry
  7.  Values
  8.  Religion
  9.  Physical Studies
  10.  Swimming (once a week)
  11.  English
  12.  Mandarin or Japanese
  13.  ICT Information Communication Technology            
  1.  Iqro and Hafidz Quran (for moslem only)
  2.  Scouting
  3.  Fencing
  4.  Swimming
  5.  Tennis
  6.  Soccer
  7.  Futsal
  8.  Basket Ball
  9.  Chess
  10.  Music (Modern and Traditional)
  11.  Art and Craft
  12.  Cooking
  13.  Petanque
  14.  Martial Arts


Senior High School (Y-10 to Y-12) - Social Major
 Intracurricular:  Extracurricular:
  1.  Maths
  2.  Bahasa Indonesia
  3.  Economics
  4.  Social Studies
  5.  Geographics
  6.  Values
  7.  Religion
  8.  Physical Studies
  9.  Swimming (once a week)
  10.  English
  11.  Mandarin
  12.  ICT Information Communication Technology           
  13.  Environmental Studies 
  1.  Iqro and Hafidz Quran (for moslem only)
  2.  Scouting
  3.  Fencing
  4.  Swimming
  5.  Tennis
  6.  Soccer
  7.  Futsal
  8.  Basket Ball
  9.  Chess
  10.  Music (Modern and Traditional)
  11.  Art and Craft
  12.  Cooking
  13.  Petanque
  14.  Martial Arts


Senior High School (Y-10 to Y-12) - Language Major
 Intracurricular:  Extracurricular:
  1.  Maths
  2.  Bahasia Indonesia
  3.  Satra Indonesia
  4.  Social Studies
  5.  Values
  6.  Religion
  7.  Physical Studies
  8.  Swimming (once a week)
  9.  Japanese
  10.  English
  11.  Mandarin
  12.  ICT Information Communication Technology           
  13.  Environmental Studies 
  1.  Iqro and Hafidz Quran (for moslem only)
  2.  Scouting
  3.  Fencing
  4.  Swimming
  5.  Tennis
  6.  Soccer
  7.  Futsal
  8.  Basket Ball
  9.  Chess
  10.  Music (Modern and Traditional)
  11.  Art and Craft
  12.  Cooking
  13.  Petanque
  14.  Martial Arts

 * All subjects packaged in an attractive package of thematic learning



Character building through personal/group performing, story telling, reading, values discussing and praying. In this program student also do brain gym and light physical activity for preparation before class activity.
Exploring and Observing on the field according to the theme or subject material.
Character building through third party programs such as outing, camping, trainning, seminar, symposium and conference.
Doing bussiness activities at school such as marketing, selling and trading.
Students and teacher showing and performing their creativity every end of year/semester.
Social activities involving parents, teachers, staff and students. Activities carried out by supplying basic goods that are accessible to people who can not afford.
Islamic Training and Workshop for Moslem students on Ramadhan, and similar programs according to their religion for non-moslem students.
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